WASHINGTON SYNDICATE: 'Hood stays open while downtown and goverment remain closed

The Syndicate took an earlier neighborly stroll through its ‘hood (Washington Highlands) to explore and report.

Activity and chatter inside the Chesapeake Big Market at 6th & Chesapeake Street SE was lively. A young woman cursing the snow said, “This snow get on my nerves. It play too much.”
Men were filling out their daily lotto slips while asking for packs of Newport ”longs”. Grape cigarellos were popular with teenagers from the neighborhood who said they were not fazed by the, now, officially, record DC snowfall. “It ain’t nothing but a little snow, you know,” a young man confidently boasted after exchanging daps with a circle of friends.

Outside MPD was seen patrolling Chesapeake Street and a stationary SUV sat on the campus of Hendley Elementary School. No compact cars or sedans were seen with traffic being limited to trucks or other four wheel vehicles.
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