This is why I don't waste my time going to Ward 8 Democrats meetings

The eagerness to continue to excuse Barry's illegal and curropt behavior, and the inability or reluctance to condemn him publicly  makes me question the committment and frankly the sanity of most of the Ward 8 Dems leadership.  With the exception of Phil Pannell, who appears to be the only person with the balls and good common sense to call Barry for what he is - a liability for Ward 8 -  the majority of the Ward 8 Dems seem conflicted between fawning over Barry and finding reasons to excuse his behavior.

This gets to the heart of why the Ward 8 Dems are struggling for buy-in from most in the community, especailly amongst new and returning Ward 8 residents who have never bought into or who have rejected  the "Marion Barry is Ward 8's only savoir" state of mind. It's generally understood that as in most things Ward 8 related, that the Ward 8 Dems are snug under Barry's thumb (or foot) and most progressive people truly looking for progress and change in Ward 8 aren't too comfortable with that  position.  I suppose it's not too suprising that most of the Ward 8 Dems are reluctant to condemn Barry's actions considering at least one of the Ward 8 Dems leadership, Mary Cuthbert has a felony conviction of her own for stealing goverment funds, has threatened to "beat my ass",  and is at the heart of a battle within her own ANC regarding the waste or possible mismanagement of ANC 8C funds. I suppose a pot really can't call a kettle black. This is another reason why Ward 8 needs new leaders, leaders who aren't afraid to stand up and speak out. What are the Ward 8 Dems waiting for? A notorized letter from Barry highlighting his crimes and authorizing them to be outraged?

Oh well. Excerpt and a link to the Washington Informer article below:

Ward 8 Democrats Support Barry - for Now

By James Wright - WI Staff Writer
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Leaders of one of the key organizations that has helped Marion Barry in his quest for political power are standing by him as he weathers the latest controversy but their patience is wearing thin.

The Ward 8 Democrats, considered one of the city's most active political organizations, gathered at the Matthews Memorial Baptist Church in Southeast, Sat., Feb. 20 to host a Black History Month Program with Colby King, a columnist for the Washington Post, as the keynote speaker.

But instead of celebrating the achievements of African Americans, the conversation quickly turned to an embattled Barry, who represents Ward 8 on the D.C. Council.

“I am sick and tired of being an unwilling member of our Ward 8 city councilman's reality show,” Phil Pannell said.

Pannell, a well-known political activist who has served as president of the Ward 8 Democrats and is the current president of the Congress Heights Community Association, said that he has had enough of Barry's antics.

Barry faces possible censure from his colleagues due to a recently released report by Special Counsel Robert S. Bennett who alleges that he used his influence to benefit his friends and associates financially through the city budget's earmark process. Barry has also been accused of awarding a $15,000 city contract to a former girlfriend, Donna Watts and taking a portion of the money.

Other members weren’t as harsh as Pannell.

“I still support him but we need to get all the ends,” Mary Cuthbert, a longtime Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner in the ward, said.

“I have no problem with Marion Barry. I have never had a problem with Marion Barry, but we need to see how the ward feels after he responds to the report.”

Barry and his attorney Fred Cooke must respond to the allegations by Tue., Feb. 23.

Sandy Allen, who represented Ward 8 on the council from 1996-2004, said that she “still supports him but will see when he responds to the allegations.”

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