OPERATION COMMANDER N' COFFEE: Can we get the Obamas at Big Chair Coffee?

The Advoc8te dreams big - real big. It's what got me to move to Congress Heights and definitely what got me to start Congress Heights on the Rise. I think moxie + vision = success. That's what makes Big Chair Coffee n' Grill so great and what makes them a perfect candidate for one of those very coveted, very high-profile and very surprising visits from the The President and First Lady.

Can you imagine what it would mean for Anacostia Ward 8 River East for Barack or Michelle Obama (or be still my beating heart- both) to travel east of the river to Big Chair Coffee for a café latte and some onion rings? One of those visits can literally launch a small business - and an underserved neighborhood -  into the stratosphere. The only thing that would be more money than a presidential visit to Big Chair is if yours truly just happened to be there when it happened and-The-President-and-I-just-so-happened-to-order-the-same-vanilla-flavored-hot-chocolate-with-an-extra-shot-of-vanilla-and-then-we-laugh-about-the-coincidence-and-then-President-Obama-invites-me-over-to-their-table-to-discuss-my-community-improvement-ideas-over-coffee-and-then-Michelle-leans-over-and-insists-I-and-my-dog-Teddy-must-join-her-and-Beau-for-a-doggy-play-date-at-the-White-House-and-then …okay I totally just got carried away there for a minute. Whew!

We CAN do this River East! Can you imagine if we started a blogging/Twitter/Facebook/Myspace/email/carrier pigeon/chain letter campaign to get The President and First Lady to pay a visit to Big Chair Coffee n' Grill? Big Chair Coffee may be in Historic Anacostia and I live in Congress Heights but let’s face it – Big Chair’s hot chocolate is way better than IHOP’s although Operation International House of President does have a pretty nice ring to it. :)

Teddy longs for his White House invitation

To contact The Advoc8te [or to send an invitation to the White House] or to submit an article for posting  on Congress Heights on the Rise email congressheightsontherise@gmail.com.

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