Mr. Barry, we are in agreement. You are indeed "sorry" now can you please take your "sorry" behind and do us all a favor and resign?
Ward 8 called and it want's it's dignity back. Also, if you are going to insist on wearing the same black pinstriped suit with the pink tie everytime you hold a press conference to explain away your latest shenaningans crimes you should either have the suit covered in plastic wrap or invest in some spares - at this rate you are liable to literally come apart at the seams at any moment. I can't help but feel like some PR flack suggested this fashion ensemble for Barry's televised "pleas to the people". I can almost hear Barry's PR person's suit pitch now, "Hmm...these pinstripes may bring to mind prison bars... however they do draw the eye away from this cock and bull story we are pitching and see this lovely rose tie? It sublty suggests 'honesty' without being incredulous."
I know we are in a recession but it is looking like the emperor literally "has no clothes." I feel like I can set my watch to that suit (and the next Barry scandal).
And while we are on the subject of things that are past their prime can someone out there please tell me one thing that Barry has accomplished for Ward 8 as councilmember since he has been elected- twice. Has he done one real thing for Ward 8? My magic eightball points to "hell no" but I thought I would ask anyway. If Barry is this big savior and master statesmen shouldn't Ward 8 be fixed by now? I'm just saying.
I know we are in a recession but it is looking like the emperor literally "has no clothes." I feel like I can set my watch to that suit (and the next Barry scandal).
And while we are on the subject of things that are past their prime can someone out there please tell me one thing that Barry has accomplished for Ward 8 as councilmember since he has been elected- twice. Has he done one real thing for Ward 8? My magic eightball points to "hell no" but I thought I would ask anyway. If Barry is this big savior and master statesmen shouldn't Ward 8 be fixed by now? I'm just saying.