TONIGHT: Washington Highlands Library Design Community Meeting
PLEASE COME TO TONIGHT'S MEETING! WE NEED TO SHOW THAT AS A COMMUNITY WE SUPPORT THE NEW LIBRARY AND WANT TO HAVE A POSITIVE AND ACTIVE ROLE IN ITS DESIGN. The new library and its design is the type of progressive, forward thinking and high profile project that the community needs. It may not be perfect....yet... but it's a step in the right direction. There is a lot of fear of the unknown in the Ward 8 community. We need to let go of that fear and replace it with some positivity and some factual information, not accusations and suspicion. As a community we need to let go of this "victim" mentality and start taking an active and productive role in building our community. Please come out to tonight's meeting. If you can attend I would love to hear about it (I have a board meeting tonight so can't make this meeting) and your thoughts on the proposed new library design. We need to stop letting a few "Negative Nellies" speak for the entire community, we've seen where that has gotten us - nowhere fast.
Please spread the word!

Please spread the word!
To contact The Advoc8te or to submit an article for posting on Congress Heights on the Rise email
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