SPREADING THE WORD: 21 River East Blogs And Counting!

It seems like only yesterday when I could only find two blogs about “East of the River” neighborhoods (And Now, Anacostia and Anacostia Diaries). What a difference two years makes! Since that time the “River East” – what we call Wards 7 and 8 - blogosphere has swelled to over 21 blogs and counting.

What was once a huge gap in East of the River news coverage (especially online) has developed into a growing movement to spread the word about East of the River/River East neighborhoods. Folks who once mistakenly thought that "Anacostia" covered all of Ward 8 have since learned that Anacostia is a neighborhood within Ward 8 and that there are other Ward 8 neighborhoods such as Congress Heights, Washington Highlands and Buena Vista just to name a few. People have come to realize that despite being misspelled constantly the proper name is  "Barry F-a-r-m" and not "Barry F-a-r-m-s", and that Barry Farm is the name of a Ward 8 neighborhood and not just the infamous public housing project. That although their numbers are small white people (and their families) do live east of the river and they get along just fine with their black neighbors. We have learned that there were and still are a lot of  inherently great things about living in River East as well as the great things that are yet to materialize. Perhaps the best part of all of this newfound "community journalism" is that the people writing about East of the River actually live East of the River (which until now has been a rarety). By living in the very neighborhoods, on the same exact streets,  in the very households that they are writing about;  bloggers (and any other River East writer) are able to write their own truth as they see it every day...unfiltered. The good (and there is good), the bad and the ugly.

The Advoc8te apologizes in advance if she inadvertently left anyone off the list and asks that anyone with information about other East of the River blogs please send her an email. Hopefully someone else in River East (or beyond) will be inspired to start their own blog today. Thanks!

Anacostia Diaries

Anacostia Que

Anacostia Yogi

ANC Single Member District 8C01

ANC Single Member District 8C02

And Now, Anacostia

Barry Farm (re)Mixed

Big Chair Coffee n' Grill

Congress Heights on the Rise

Deanwood Denizen

East River Heights Community

Fred Joiner's Weblog

Hill East Blues

Life in the Village

Penn Brangler

River East Idealist

Runin DC

Say What, Now?

Southeast Socialite

Southwest…The Little Quadrant That Could

Ward 7 Connections

To contact The Advoc8te or to submit an article for posting on Congress Heights on the Rise email congressheightsontherise@gmail.com.

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