It's time to wake up and smell the coffee! Big Chair Coffee Grand Opening Monday, Jan 11th

DG-Rad over at And Now, Anacostia just gave me the good news that Big Chair Coffee in Historic Anacostia will be having their grand opening on Monday, January 11th at 7am, with a soft opening on Saturday, January 9th! Yippee!

The Advoc8te isn't a coffee drinker but I will be there with bells on to purchase my non-coffee beverage and support this new Ward 8 business. I am even hearing that they will have wireless internet access so you can enjoy your coffee/tea/hot chocolate while sufing the net (or updating your blog). Double yippee!

So please tell your family, friends and neighbors to come out and support BIG CHAIR COFFEE, let’s show the city what we already know -  that quality, diverse, businesses can thrive here!

2122 Martin Luther King Jr Avenue SE
Grand Opening
Monday, January 11th 2010