IN PICTURES: Blogging from Big Chair

Yesterday The Advoc8te lugged her worn but trusty Dell over to Big Chair Coffee n' Grill in Historic Anacostia and took advantage of their F-R-E-E (love that word) wifi to engage in some blogging. I foresee this being the first of many blogging sessions from Big Chair; in fact I wouldn’t be surprised to see a “blog off” with all the River East bloggers in the future. While I was at Big Chair I ran into bloggers And Now, Anacostia, Barry Farm (re)Mixed and Southeast Socialite, all very big Big Chair supporters and repeat customers. The cozy atmosphere, attentive staff and the delicious caramel lattes really do a lot to get the writing juices flowing (sorry - I am still on my own in terms of my typos and grammar violations). As if I didn’t already have great reasons to visit the coffee shop I can now add “Blogging Approved” to the list.

I am including pictures from my visit including my first pictures of the upstairs space of Big Chair. The upstairs space is still being decorated and yet to get the full "Big Chair treatment" but is coming along quite nicely, it’s easy to envision small meetings or social events being held there. I think it would be a great place to hold the first River East Bloggers Summit.

If you haven’t yet had a chance to visit Big Chair please do, and order the cream of corn and shrimp chowder – it’s DELICIOUS!

Good eats! Small caramel latte and cream of corn and shrimp chowder.

Stairs leading to 2nd floor

2nd floor seating area

Seating! A big luxury (and a rarety) in River East businesses.

View of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from upstairs window

Another view of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE from 2nd floor window