The New Washington Highlands Library Design: Love it or Hate it?

After community feedback the architects of the new Washington Highlands Library have revised the design. The new rendering is included below. Do you like it? Love it? Hate it?

There is still some debate in the Ward 8 community to not have a brand new library and instead renovate the old Washington Highland Library. Several Ward 8 ANC Commissioners have been very vocal about voicing their desire to keep the old library and just renovate while there is growing number of Ward 8 residents who like the new library design and are very much in favor of a brand new library.

The Washington City Paper just posted an article highlighting points of the debate.  You can read the article by going HERE. *Please note the City Paper article has a photo of the old rendering.

The Advoc8te thinks that considering that Ward 8 has the highest illiteracy rates in the city (somewhere around 47%) that we are in desperate need of a first rate library. We need a library that will not only look good but will engage the community, especially it's young people, and in my opinion the old library hasn't been able to accomplish. Even with an aggressive renovation I am doubtful that the old library could really accomplish not only today's needs but tomorrow's. To be honest I am a little baffled by the opposition to a new library when historically Ward 8 has been last on the list when it comes to dolling out dollars for new infrastructure. I would think that a new library would be welcomed and would hopefully inspire the investment of more government dollars in the community. The Advoc8te would love to hear from a Ward 8 resident who is in favor of keeping the old library as opposed to the new library.



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