It's (un)official! We want new leadership and a Target (not neccesarily in that order).

So here are the CHOTR opinion poll numbers to date (btw if you haven’t yet voted please go over to the sidebar and do so). Now what (if anything) can we take from the votes?

I found it very interesting that for the “What I would like to see more of in Congress Heights?” opinion poll that more community services lost out big time to new leadership. Who are these people and where have they been on Election Day?

In terms of the “Your wish for a big chain business in Congress Heights” opinion poll, I wasn’t surprised that Target was the most popular choice. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see that a book store came in second...a distant second but a second nonetheless.

And the poll results so far...

Why the interest in Congress Heights?
49% I live here
18% Just curious
17% Considering a home/job here
8% Planning my escape
6% I work here

What I would like to see more of in Congress Heights?
56% new leadership
26% less crime
9% More community services
7% Affordable housing

Your wish for a big chain business in Congress Heights?*
52% Target
13% Barnes and Nobles
11% TGIFridays
9% Movie Theater
6% Starbucks
5% Ben & Jerry’s

*Originally there was supposed to be an option for “no big chain businesses” but in the process of setting up the blog this option was left off and it was too late to change it later.

The Advoc8te would like to hear your thoughts on the poll results or why you voted the way that you did.

For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website,

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