It's for a change in Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8C

Information is power. Those ignorant of the mistakes of the past are destined to repeat them in the future.

One such mistake is Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8C under the leadership of Commissioner Mary Jane Cuthbert (8C03). For years, under Chairperson Cuthbert's questionable leadership, quarterly reports have gone unfiled (resulting in tens of thousands of forfeited ANC allotments), tens of thousands of dollars have been wasted and/or misappropriated, and  meeting minutes were neither recorded nor shared with the community – and that is just a few of the many issues surrounding ANC 8C. The Commission was and is stalled, fractionalized and for all intense purposes totally without productivity or direction.

It's one thing to be rude, abrasive and dismissive. While poor character flaws, they could be tolerated if they were at the very least combined with superior organization and leadership skills. This is not the case here. ANC 8C has been dictated for years by a person who demonstrates all the personality characteristics of a tyrant - a tyrant with historically poor performance. Past audits and resident complaints clearly demonstrate an immediate need for new leadership and the replacement of most of the current ANC 8C Commissioners. Not only is ANC 8C not working toward progress but it is getting worse.

Please take a moment and review past ANC 8C audits from the DC Auditor. The audit reports are easy to read and paint a very damning picture of ANC 8C failings and operations.

Please note that all of these audits were directed to the then Chairperson of the time – Commissioner Mary J. Cuthbert.

The community is not without blame in this sad state of affairs. We have to look to ourselves as residents and community stakeholders for allowing this foolishness and dereliction of duty to have continued for so long with little or no accountability. Just as there have been ANC Commissioners asleep at the wheel so have we as a community not held our Commission responsible for their actions or lack thereof. We have Commissioners with felony theft convictions who are responsible for handling ANC funds, Commissioners who do not attend meetings at all, and Commissioners who turn a blind eye to ANC waste and possible fraud.

We need SWEEPING change on the ANC Commission and that change starts with new leadership. With the officers elections scheduled to take place in January the time is N-O-W to make changes and hopefully in the next ANC election elect new, capable and forward thinking Commissioners. ANC 8C residents deserve the best and it's time that we demand it!

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