9 days until deadline for ANC 8C to respond to the DC Auditor or the DC Treasurer will withhold $24,300 from future ANC 8C allotments

As discussed during  the November ANC 8C meeting ANC 8C still has NOT responded in writing to the recommendations and findings by the DC Auditor in the September 2009 audit OR voted to retroactively approve the paid (but unapproved) $24,300 in rent payments for the ANC office from 2006 to 2009. Despite having been given 90 days to satisfy the auditors demands ANC 8C still has not done so. To add insult to injury at least one of the Commissioners, Commissioner Cardell Shelton admits that as of the November 2009 meeting he still had not read the audit report in full.

What does this mean for ANC 8C residents? Unless a special ANC 8C PUBLIC meeting is called to specifically address the auditor's recommendations and findings and to finally approve the  past unapproved rent payments ANC 8C residents will be robbed once again of $24,300 - this time in future ANC allotment funds. Commissioner William Ellis has discussed his hopes to address the DC Auditor's deadline but without support from the majority of the ANC Commissioners we are faced with once again with ANC 8C failing to safeguard ANC 8C funds.

There are 9 days left until the written response and the written retroactive approval by the Commission (in a public meeting) of the past rent payments are due at the DC Auditor's office. If by December 2nd these items are not on file with the DC Auditor,  ANC 8C and its residents are in danger of losing $24,300 - money that could be used to benefit our community.

Please note that ANC law mandates that 7 days notice be given to the public for all public ANC meetings. So far, The Advoc8te has not seen any notice of a special pubic meeting having been scheduled to address these important financial issues. The Advoc8te recommends that residents contact their Single Member District Commissioner and ask them to get this taken care of ASAP by calling a special public meeting  so that the community is not further penalized for the continued inability for ANC 8C to get on the ball and follow the law! Commissioner Mary Cuthbert has made it very clear that  she has no plans to address any of the auditor's findings or recommendations in a public ANC meeting - despite the fact that this lack of action will cost the residents and tax payers of ANC 8C even more in ANC funds. She is however totally committed to having more $900 a month checks written for unused and unwanted ANC 8C office space , office rent that has been the ONLY expense reported for ANC 8C for many years, an expense that the DC Auditor calls "an economical waste of taxpayers’ dollars".

If a special public meeting of ANC 8C is not held...and held soon... the next scheduled ANC 8C public meeting will be held on Wed, December 2nd 2009 at 6:30pm at the UPO Petey Greene Center located at 2907 MLK Ave SE.  Please note that the DC Auditor set a deadline of December 2nd, 2009 for the ANC's written response to the audit AND  the vote to retroactively approve the $23,400 in past unapproved office rent payments for the ANC office located at 3125 Martin Luther King Jr Avenue.


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Washington, DC 20020
(202) 872-2644

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Washington, DC 20032

3325 Martin Luther King Jr.Ave, SE
Washington DC 20032
(202) 639-6410

121 Raleigh Street SE
Washington, DC 20032
(202) 562-4974



115 Upsal Street SE
Washington, DC 20032

For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website, http://www.examiner.com/x-13507-Congress-Heights-Community-Examiner

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