Commissioner William Ellis' Open Letter To the Community Regarding ANC 8C.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I’m not here to make enemies, but I was [not] elected to make friends either. I was elected to serve my people, my single member district. Dr. Martin Luther King said “Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve.” That’s the mentality I have brought to the Commission, one of service.

I have done more for this commission in one year, than what was done from 2006, 2007, and 2008. Don’t take my word for it, read the audit, ask the auditors, ask the Director of the ANC, and ask your constituents. Since I was elected to this commission as of Jan. 2009, I have filed 6 Quarterly Reports, 3 from 2008 that [were] not [filed]. I have been present and documented meeting minutes from all of our 2009 Public Monthly Meetings as well as submitted them in the 2009 Quarterly Reports [filed] by me as treasurer. I have given the Commissioners a detailed 2009 budget, as well as prepared a 2010 budget for their approval. I also have written a 3 page response to the Auditors comments from the 2009 Auditor of ANC 8C. That’s without mentioning the numerous community related activities I have been [a part] of such as, the Savoy Elementary School Revitalization, Barry Farm’s new community, poplar point steering committee, and being a member of the East of the River Community Court Advisory Board.

It is not me that is failing our people! Under Commissioner Cuthbert’s leadership as Chair, she has failed us countless times. In 2004 she forfeited 14,000 dollars of our tax payer’s money by not filing Quarter Reports, money that could have been used to lift up this community. In 2007 she forfeited 5,000, and in 2008 another 5,000 for not filing Quarterly Reports. Up to this very day, she still blatantly disregards the wishes of the Auditor by not answering the Audit Request or wanting to approve a yearly budget. As a result, the audit will take 24,000 for unauthorized rent payments, from our next audit [if] something is not done immediately.

Because of this, I am asking you to ask your commissioners to ask Mary Cuthbert to step down or be removed as Chair of ANC 8C. Her inability to follow the simple laws of the DC Code and recommendations by the DC Audit, has marred the reputation of ANC 8C, and has labeled us a commission that is unfit, untrustworthy, which lacks integrity, and accountability.

By far our most successful meeting was in May 2009 when I brought you a Round table Discussion on the state of DC Schools. I reached out [to] the Representative from the Mayors Office, Chancellors Office, the State School Superintendent, [and] the Assistant Chief of Police Groomes who brought the Director of DC School security. Mary Cuthbert has been trying since the summer to get the Mayor to our ANC Meeting. He refuses to come because of the neglect that she has brought [to] ANC 8C. But every year he comes to the Congress Heights Civic Association. Why is that?

Ladies and gentlemen if you want change, if you are inspired by action, and hard work, if you desire a leader who is committed to transparency, integrity and accountability. [Then] I am your Servant.

Commissioner William R. Ellis
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8C
Single Member District 8C-01
(Serving Barry Farm, Sheridan Station, Howard Road, & Talbert St. Residents, as well as Poplar Point)

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