More Ward 8 Blogs Please!

By my count there are about  six current, active Ward 8 blogs (check the RE blogroll in the sidebar). Three are neighborhood specific.  I would really love to see even more Ward 8 and Ward 7 blogs.  The River East blogosphere is definetly growing but I would love to see ALL the Ward 8 neighborhoods represented.

Hopefully, more folks will feel inspired to write about their communities. I know there are many of us who want to learn about them.

Here is a list (according to Wikipedia so don't shoot me if it's not complete) of all the neighborhoods in Ward 8.  Perhaps someone will feel inspired to go to (or some other blog platform) and start their community blog today. I would also love to see more Advisory Neighborhood Commissions take advantage of this FREE rescource (no need to spend ANC funds) and create some blogs of their own - it's a great and user friendly way to get the word out to residents.

If you have started a River East blog and would like to have it added to the CHOTR River East blogroll please send an email to


Barry Farm
Buena Vista
Congress Heights
Garfield Heights
Knox Hill
Shipley Terrace
Washington Highlands

For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website,

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