DC PUBLIC LIBRARY: Washington Highlands Library Project
The Washington Highlands Neighborhood Library is being rebuilt. The Library has hired award-winning architecture team* of Adjaye & Associates and Weincek Associates to design the new library.
The architect presented preliminary designs for the new library at a community meeting on March 31*. The architects took feedback from that meeting and refined the designs, which were again shared with the community at a meeting on June 30*.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
The Library completed a cost-benefit analysis* of the building’s condition to determine whether it was more cost effective to renovate the building or rebuild it.
Focus Groups & Surveys
The Library is hosting focus groups with residents to gain input on what programs and services they want to see in the new Washington Highlands Library. We held the first focus group with teens in December. Feedback was great. The teens articulated ways the Library can help them reach their goals. Suggestions included help with career goals, homework help, more computers, job search assistance, and more current books.
Teens also want a comfortable, welcoming space designed for them. They made great suggestions for programs for young people such as programs on saving and investing, more activities for younger children, career days, debate team, even community service opportunities such as reading stories to young kids.
Library has created surveys as an additional means of gathering input. The surveys are available at the library or on-line at Washington Highlands Library Survey.
All of this feedback is being shared with the architects and with Library staff.
The Library will be hosting additional focus groups with adults and seniors. If you are interested, please send an email to WashingtonHighlandsFeedback@dc.gov.
Design process should be complete by the end of summer 2009
Interim Library will open in fall 2009
Construction will take 18-20 months
The new library will open in spring 2011
Library Service
An interim library will open in the fall of 2009 before the current building closes for construction. We are in final negotiations for an interim location just around the corner from the current library.
The interim facility will maintain regular library hours and will offer many of the same features including many new books, DVDs and CDs, at least 20 public computers with free WiFi Internet access and programs for all ages.
A Hopes & Dreams meeting took place on September 18* to inform the community of the plans to build a new library and to determine what programs and services are most important to the community. Information will be shared with the community throughout the process with opportunities for questions and feedback.
We welcome questions and comments about this project. Please submit them to Washingtonhighlandsfeedback@dc.gov.
For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website, http://www.examiner.com/x-13507-Congress-Heights-Community-Examiner