RIVER EAST RECAP - We're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

BARRY FARM (RE)MIXED reminds everyone that the proper spelling is F-A-R-M. The 'S' much like the misconception that Barry Farms is made up of only public housing is completetly a myth.

AND NOW, ANACOSTIA highlights the construction of the new playground at the recently remodeled Savoy Elementary.  The playground like the school is modern, up to date and refreshing. So many great things are happening in Anacostia.

ANC SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICT 8C01 highlights in photos the ribbon cutting ceremony of the recently revamped and remodeled Savoy Elementary.

FRED JOINER'S WEBLOG lets us all know about the great summer art and live music events in Anacostia.  Did you know that Anacostia has TWO art studios and gallerys?

SOUTHEAST SOCIALITE confirms what we already know. BET is the WORST thing to happen to the black community since like...EVER! The Advoc8te concurs. BET needs to 86 the hood-rat-pandering-to-the-lowest-common-demonitar programing and invest in some quality and conscious raising programing that is actaully reflective of the black community of today and not the stereotypes of years past.

BEYOND BREAD is searching for an intern. Could that lucky person be you?

EAST RIVER HEIGHTS COMMUNITY basks in the glow of being a River East blogger...how sweet it is.

ANC SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICT 8C02 reminds residents that after a summer hiatus ANC 8C will resume meetings Wed, June 3rd.

RIVER EAST IDEALIST announces the membership drive for the River East Emerging Leaders (r.e.e.l.) at Honfleur Gallery.

ANACOSTIA DIARIES remembers the legendary John Hughes and desires a remake of that most wonderful of all teen movies, "Weird Science".

THE PENN BRANGLER reviews the contreversy surrounding the Southeast Tennis and Learning Center and the importance of organizations like the Southeast Tennis and Learning Center in River East.

THE CONGRESS HEIGHTS EXAMINER reviews the Teedra Moses concert at THEARC. Enjoyed self a great deal.

LIFE IN THE VILLAGE discovers an in-road pedestrian crossing sign at the intersection of Fort Davis St and Pennsylvania Ave SE. Yippee!

CONGRESS HEIGHTS ON THE RISE is super excited about talking all about Ward 8 on the Kojo Nnamdi show. Ward 8 is taking over - one radio station at a time.

For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website, http://www.examiner.com/x-13507-Congress-Heights-Community-Examiner

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