NPR: Charter School Struggles To Find Students

From the National Public Radio:

August 25, 2009

In continuation of the program's focus on education issues, guest host Jennifer Ludden checks in with Kavitha Cardoza, a reporter for NPR member station WAMU-FM in Washington, D.C., about enrollment problems at the National Preparatory Public Charter School, which is opening next month. More than a third of students in the nation's capitol are enrolled in charter schools — the largest percentage in the country. But National Prep is having trouble meeting its enrollment figures.


I'm Jennifer Ludden. This is TELL ME MORE from NPR News.
Coming up, we'll hear about why some school vaccines are causing controversy among public health officials and parents.

But first, the latest story in our education series. This week, classes have begun for public school students in many communities across the country, including here in Washington, D.C. In many ways, this city's school system is a microcosm of urban education in America.
So over the course of the summer, we've been checking in with Kavitha Cardoza. She reports on education issues for member station WAMU here in Washington, and she joins us now. Welcome back.

KAVITHA CARDOZA: Thanks for having me.

LUDDEN: The first story we'd like to update is about charter schools here. You've been covering National Prep Charter in Washington. Tell me what is special about this school and what issues does it face now?

CARDOZA: Well, this is a high school in Ward 8, which is a very low-income area in D.C. and they want to take students from that area - where traditionally schools don't go - and show people that low income kids can achieve very high levels. I mean, they talk about not just the poverty the children face, but the poverty of thought in the area, where people don't believe that these children can accomplish things that students in other wards can. They have actually started a get-at-the-student effort…

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