Fox 5 Responds To Our Post, Corrects Articles and Offers Apology

In response to yesterday's post and reader comments Fox 5 has responded to our concerns, updated the articles and placed this comment:

"Hi all,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'm terribly sorry for the mistake-- it was definitely not intentional. We've corrected the story about this weekend's shooting, which DEFINITELY did take place in Northeast, not Southeast. Here's the new link to the story:

We've taken the old link down, so you won't see the incorrect info on the web at all. I also removed the reference to Anacostia in the copperheads story. That link will remain the same, but you won't see the incorrect neighborhood reference. We appreciate your feedback, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If you have further questions or a story tip/idea to share with us in the future, don't hesitate to email us at

Thanks so much!
-Emily myfoxdc web producer"

The Advoc8te would like to thank all the readers who posted comments (both on CHOTR and the Fox 5 website) and sent emails to Fox 5 regarding the article inaccuracies. I really appreciate Fox 5 News for addressing this issue and resolving it timely.

I am sure to some these may have appeared to be small issues but to those of us that call Southeast and Congress Heights home they are part of a bigger issue - the perception of our community as a whole. This is just another great example of how River East residents are striving to change the perception of their community in the media. Today a lesson was taught not only about River East geography but River East resolve.

This is the [Re]volution.

For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website,

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