WCP: Marion Barry Arrest: Barry Camp Says Accuser Is Nuts

Mike Debonis and Jason Cherkis just posted about the late night shenanigans of the latest Barry sponsored press conference. Please note that the "emerging leaders program" referenced by Barry's spokeswoman is in no way linked to the River East Emerging Leaders group which began advertising in January 09 and which held their first highly successful event in February 09.

The River East Emerging Leaders (r.e.e.l.) was created by a group of concerned River East residents (who were and are still volunteers) and was created to "enlighten, engage and empower our River East community". River East Emerging Leaders is in NO way affiliated with Mr. Barry or Ms. Donna Watts-Brighthaupt.

Click HERE for the full Washington City Paper post.


Williams started out with the allegation that Watts-Brighthaupt was under the care of a psychiatrist and that she’d been diagnosed with “compulsive behavior disorder and clinical depression.”

At that moment, Watts-Brighthaupt, who was standing unnoticed behind the cameras listening to the proceedings, blurted out, “That’s not true.”

Williams, a bit unsettled, continued with her statement, defending the awarding of a contract to Watts-Brighthaupt, explaining that the purpose was to create an “emerging leaders program.” The idea was to “identify, recruit, and develop” youth leaders in Ward 8; the funding was to be $60,000. Williams said the award was proper. Only $20,000 of the award was disbursed.

For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website, http://www.examiner.com/x-13507-Congress-Heights-Community-Examiner

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