WCP: Days Before Arrest, Watts-Brighthaupt Turned Down Barry Contract Offer

I don't think it would have been possible for my opinion of Marion "dangle the carrot" Barry to get any lower until I just read this most recent article by the Washington City Paper. If this isn't sexual harassment I don't know what is. It is deplorable, disgusting and just plain wrong.

I have to admit that as the stories/scandals were evolving I was not very sympathetic to the plight of Ms. Watts-Brighthaupt. I felt that it was no secret that Marion Barry was and is a creep and as such I know I stay away from him as if he had the plague. I would assume that anyone else with any sense would do the same. I underestimated the charm of knowing a famous (or more accurately infamous) man. However I totally appreciated the ability of Mr. Barry to use monetary inducements or the promise of monetary inducements to get his way. We see it every day in the Ward especially during election season when people are clamoring to be a paid campaign worker. Never underestimate the plight of the truly desperate.

I must say that after reading this article and seeing the WashPo video of Ms.Donna Watts-Brighthaupt I must say that I find her to be rather credible and not at all "unstable". Without knowing the entire story just what I have read in the City Paper and in other news publications I applaud her efforts to be taken seriously and to do honest and good work in the community. It is hard enough as a woman in the workplace... especailly a black woman in the workplace. It is horrible that she was pressured in this manner. Kudos to her for standing up and turning down the contract! Kudos to her for having the state of mind to keep evidence of what was happening. I don't find that to be manipulative or explotive at all. Unfortunately it is one of those things that you have to do if you have any hopes of being believed - especially when it involves a powerful man...especially when it involves your boss. I think any woman can appreciate how hard this is.

There is a double standard plain and simple and there is a nasty practice to automatically believe the abuser (in the case Marion Barry) and vilify the victim. It's not only unfair but counter productive. We implore our young women to speak up if someone is abusing them (sexually, verbally, physically) and then we are so quick to not believe them (R Kelly anyone?). It not only gives power to the person holding all the cards but it discourages victims (men or women) to speak up.

Marion Barry was W-R-O-N-G end of story. It was inappropriate and he would not have done it to a man. I am not going to at this time (based off of what I have read/seen to date) going to find any reason to blame/accuse or insult this lady for trying to W-O-R-K so that she can provide for her family. Should she perhaps have left Marion Barry alone permanently or reported this to the authorities early on? Perhaps, but considering the history of Marion Barry being allowed to walk away scott free on so many crimes I don't blame her one bit for not doing it. This is the problem with absolute power - it curropts absolutetly

Was everything done perfectly here? No. But as a woman you learn quick that the same rules that apply to men don't always apply to you and that sometimes just to get in the game you have to take some knocks and dirty play and that is truly horrid.

Every adult in this sad story is culpable in some way but this is yet another (in a very long list) of reasons that Marion Barry needs to be removed from office and quickly. Shame on the City Council if they do not take IMMEDIATE steps to have him removed and he should be prosecuted!!!

Kudos to the City Paper!!!

On the "new" arrangement (this is in addition to the previous contracts):

On the previous Monday, June 29, Barry made a last-ditch offer to maintain his relationship with the woman he had been dating for a year. A key part of his offer was cash: In an e-mail typed and sent that afternoon by aide Brenda Richardson and signed by Barry, he offers Watts-Brighthaupt a part-time job working with Richardson---a job that could pay her as much as $55,000 over the next year.

"I told you today that I thought I could work out a way for you to work with Brenda Richardson whom you like and trust, to work 20 to 25 hours a week for the next three months for $5,000 a month. And I also promise you that I will work out a way for the next 12 months for at least $40,000. Thus we will have $55,000 in the pot."

On Ms. Watts - Brightehapts response:

That night, Watts-Brighthaupt drafted a three-page reply to Barry.

In it, she complains that a proposal she had drafted the previous November pursuant to the $5,000-per-month contract was not taken seriously by Barry or his staff. Her desire for professional validation permeates the letter: Barry’s chief of staff, Bernadette Tolson, Watts-Brighthaupt wrote, had "little respect for me professionally." She expresses great respect for Richardson, Barry's top outreach person, and indeed asks to work with her on the condition that she be allowed to "attend most meetings in a working capacity" and that she be "allowed to share observations and ideas with [Barry] concerning relevant policy and public relations privately in the way in which I (we) are accustomed – debate style."

For this, she asked "for only enough compensation to keep the necessary lines of communications wide open, i.e., cell and home telephone bills."

Watts-Brighthaupt bristled at the suggestion in the Barry offer that they were paying her as a personal favor. And she rejected the proposal. "I feel as if I'm selling my soul to you for the tax payer’s dollar,” she wrote.

Click HERE to read the Washington City Paper article in full.

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