WASHPO: For Barry, a Familiar Script Takes an Unfamiliar Twist

This article which appears in today's Washington Post is unique for two reasons. The first is that it's the first time City Coucilmembers are at least making noises (albiet off the record) that perhaps Mr. Barry's actions in regards to the contracts awarded to his then girlfriend were possibly improper. The Second, your own The Advoc8te was quoted in the article. Even bigger news- The Advoc8te really is not the late great Eartha Kitt. LOL.


By Nikita Stewart, Tim Craig and Dagny Salas
Washington Post Staff Writers

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It started with an arrest, as it often does. There was a woman involved, as there usually is. And there were the denials, controversial behavior by the police and extraordinary news conferences that feed a local media obsessed with Marion Barry. Within his inner circle, there were the normal efforts to get Barry to back off. As always, he largely ignored the advice.
The initial reaction from outside Barry's world was just as routine: near silence from his fellow D.C. Council members and unwavering support from his constituents, even though to much of

Washington Barry long ago ceased being a power player.

The drama could have ended yesterday evening when authorities announced that they were dropping the stalking charges that again put Barry's personal life on display. For his backers, this was evidence that the former mayor is as much a victim of overzealous police as he is a man who seems to court trouble. But there's the likelihood of an investigation into his then-girlfriend getting a $60,000 council contract from Barry (D-Ward 8), which means the sideshow spectacle could continue.

At a 9 p.m. news conference, Natalie Williams, Barry's spokeswoman, said Barry was "thankful" that the U.S. attorney's office decided not to prosecute.

"The short answer is, this is over," she said later.

However, there were calls for an investigation into Barry's use of public funds. His friends and supporters said they are worried about the job given to Donna Watts-Brighthaupt, the woman who police say accused Barry of following her, leading to his arrest Saturday. Records indicate that the payments and cancellations of the contract coincide with their makeups and breakups. So far, Watts-Brighthaupt has been paid $15,000, and at Barry's request, the secretary of the council has approved an additional payment of $5,000.

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