Ward 8 (bloggers) Say "No More Barry!"

Despite all the news clips and man on the street interviews by local tv stations of Ward 8 residents fiercely defending (again) Marion Barry's latest round of setbacks there are indeed many, many Ward 8 residents who are indeed sick and tired of the Marion Barry show and seemingly never ending and ever escalating scandals and they are staunchly voicing their opinions - on the internet.

River East blogs are especially important because not only do they offer a perspective often not scene in mainstream media but in many ways they are the ONLY consistent media outlet for River East and act as a forum for River East dialogue to be shared. In addition to the Barry comments expressed here on Congress Heights on the Rise at least two other Ward 8 blogs, Southeast Socialite and The Barry Farms (Re)Mixed have been vocal in the disapproval of Marion Barry as councilmember of Ward 8. They find his actions deplorable and are adamant in their believe that something...anything...must be done to finally put in end to it.

And they are not alone.

"Marion Barry must go" is the constant refraim and it is being repeated on news feedback comments, Facebook pages, text messages, IMs, skype accounts and chat rooms by River East residents. The electronic buzz by frustrated and enraged Ward 8 residents are deafening - if you know where to look.

Question is...who's listening?

For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website, http://www.examiner.com/x-13507-Congress-Heights-Community-Examiner

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