Don't Be Scurd! Say something!

The Advoc8te is always amazed at the blog traffic numbers and the volume of emails that come in. Even after almost a year I am still shocked that people actually read this thing and if what I am being told is true there is a good number of you out there that read CHOTR daily.

However, there is one thing I am totally baffled by. With pretty good traffic stats and all of the incoming emails and backlinks why is it that so few people post comments on the posts? I totally appreciate your emails but I really want to see your comments. I am really interested in what CHOTR readers are thinking about.

In my opinion community engagement is the most important thing about Congress Heights on the Rise which is why I created it in the first place so throw a sista a bone and comment sometimes! I don't bite - unless you ask me to. :)

-The Advoc8te

P.S. Go check out Barry Farms (Re)Mixed if you haven't already. It's the bomb diggity!

The Advoc8teComment