ANC Single Member District 8C02 advises residents to listen the May mtng recording found on CHOTR and reassures residents that he [Commissioner Jordan] does indeed want to hear community concerns in community meetings.

And Now, Anacostia takes us on a photo journey through Charleston and shows us just how truly fabulous a Fleur-de- lis window grate is.

Southeast Socialite is determined to get her burrito bol. After her initial request to have a Chipotle opened in River East was denied The Debutante is taking her cause to the people- their stomach anyway and is asking the burrito obsessed masses to join her in her email campaign to get Chipotle HQ to change their mind and call a River East location their next home. The Advoc8te suggests potential customers mail strips of aluminum foil marked "Feed Me" to Chipotle HQ. lol.

River East Idealist highlights the River East Emerging Leaders/DC Cares cleanup/tree planting in Oxon Run Park. No word if the trees were orange trees - now that would have been progressive!
Congress Heights on the Rise thinks if she had a nickle for every time ANC 8C did or said something truly ignorant and short-sighted she would have enough money to buy that rinky dink overpriced office and turn it into a Chipotle.