VIDEO: DC Council Committee on Aging and Community Affairs Oversight Hearing of Ward 1 and Ward 8 ANCs

Click HERE to view the video of the Oversight Hearing on Ward 1 and Ward 8 ANCs held by the Committee on Aging and Community Affairs. If you are unable to open the video send an email to and I will send you the file. This hearing was really insightful. It was clear to see the ANC Commissions that are working and the ANC Commissions that well.... you know.

One thing was VERY VERY concerning - the amount of money just being "held"by ANC commissions and not being spent on community needs!!!! If an ANC is holding $50,000 there is a problem. What are you waiting for? Lord knows the community could use the money!!! Idealy an ANC should be responsibly and effectively spending the ANC allotments on COMMUNITY IMPROVMENTS. ANCs should be utilizing all funds at their disposal. There is no excuse to be hoarding money or spending it on wasteful things like empty office rent.
By far the highlight of this video is the video of COMMISSIONER (not Chair despite her assertations) Mary Cuthbert discussing ANC 8C:

Highlights of Commissioner Cuthbert's testimony (begins at the 37 minute mark):
Blamed the missing quarterly reports on the prior "seasoned" commissioners. The way she said "seasoned" sounded a whole lot like "incompetent".
When asked by Councilwoman Alexander about filing the missing quauterly reports Commissioner Cuthbert promised that once she "trained" Commissioner William Ellis [current treasure] that the reports would be filed. The way Commissioner Cuthbert kept describing the "young" Commissioner Ellis and her "taining" of him he sounded more and more like a poodle and less like a person. Nice to know that Commissioner Ellis is so committed to doing Commisisoner Cuthbert's bidding.