The DCRA Vacant Property Unit conducts an initial four point survey/inspection to determine whether or not the property (1) appeared vacant, (2) had excessive vegetation and (3) graffiti and (4) was open and accessible. If the survey/inspections provides convincing evidence that the property is vacant, a letter is sent the owner of record.
Property owners have the opportunity to provide evidence that the home is either a) "occupied" or b) is vacant and qualifies for an exemption from the vacant property tax rate. It is the responsibility of the property owner to register their property as vacant within 30 days of being unoccupied. Unoccupied means no one is currently living in the home and has no intention of returning.
Please review the following information regarding the DCRA Vacant Property Initiative. Customers are encouraged to call (202) 442-4332 for an update on the property's status or email
If you believe a property is vacant is would like to report it to the Office of Vacant Property, please call (202) 442-9557.
Vacant Property Information
A list of properties DCRA has determined to be vacant is posted below. If you feel your property is listed in error, please contact DCRA's Vacant Property Unit at (202) 442-4332 immediately or email If you are considering purchasing a property on this list, please speak with your real estate agent and or title company to ensure the tax classification is adjusted.
Winter 2009 Vacant Property List*
DCRA Vacant Property Photo Gallery
Note: This list is organized by address number. To find your property, enter the four-digit address number and click on "find". If the address you are looking for has fewer than four-digits, please enter zero(s) before the number. For example, to search of 23 Pine Street, enter "0023".
Notice: New Laws in Effect as of October 1, 2008
Beginning October 1, 2008 all properties classified as vacant by DCRA and do meet any of the exemptions will be subject to the new vacant property tax assessment of $10 per $100 assessed value. More information on the new law is available in the Vacant Property Q&A.
Fact Sheets
Vacant Property in Your Neighborhood*
Vacant Property Fact Sheet for Owners*
Online Information and Services
Report a Vacant Property* en Español*
Vacant Property Registration Form & Instructions*
Vacant Property Exemption Denial Appeal Form & Instructions*
Sample of DCRA's Four-Point Inspection Form Used by Inspectors*
List of Vacant Property Exemptions
How to Request Refund from the OCFO
Report a Vacant Property* en Español*
Vacant Property Registration Form & Instructions*
Vacant Property Exemption Denial Appeal Form & Instructions*
Sample of DCRA's Four-Point Inspection Form Used by Inspectors*
List of Vacant Property Exemptions
How to Request Refund from the OCFO