Reasons I LOVE living in Congress Heights

  1. The name. "Congress Heights" is pretty sweet. It sounds mysterious yet complimentary at the same time. Let's face it, "Adams Morgan" doesn't exactly illicit warm fuzzies based off the name alone.

  2. The lush green spaces. Lots of people live in DC but how many people can say they live IN DC next to a forest, see deer and foxes regularly AND are right next to river? Few if any.

  3. The million dollar views at the non millionaire prices.

  4. The proximity to absolutely EVERYTHING. You can drive to Maryland and Virginia in 5 minutes, downtown DC in 10 minutes and National airport in 15 minutes.

  5. Very little traffic.

  6. Plenty of street parking.

  7. The history. So many homes here have such character and grace.

  8. Ballet, concerts and classes right at THEARC - culture in the community.

  9. The people.

  10. The sense of optimism shared by a community that knows that the time is now.