DC Office of Planning Recommends Approval of Special Exemption For Child Development and Daycare Center at 355 Parkland Pl SE

Click HERE for the December 2, 2008 memorandum.
This was presented in the November 2008 ANC 8C meeting for the Commissioners to vote on but it would be helpful if at ANC meetings the commissioners would communicate in the next ANC meeting when these things are finalized. We never find out in community meetings what happens with these recommendations or protests. They just fall off the face of the map. There is no continuity.


The Office of Planning (OP) recommends approval of special exception relief pursuant to § 205 for the child development center including a daycare center and after school program at 355 Parkland Pl. SE subject to the following conditions:

Approval shall be for a maximum of 40 children.
The child development center shall operate between 6 am and 6 pm, Monday through Friday for children under the age of six years.
The after school program shall operate between the hours of 3 pm to 6 pm for kindergartners through six grade.
Approval shall be for a period of ten years from the date of the Board’s approval.