I find that watching Obama's speeches are encouraging. When I feel discouraged or disappointed that progress and change isn't going to come to my block, my neighborhood or my ward I have to keep the faith that there are others just as myself who are not only hopefully but who are willing to put themselves out there on the line and say "No more". That there are people who are not afraid to stand up for and who welcome change and do not flee from it. I am hopeful that there are people who not only know what the right thing is to do but who aren't afraid to do it.

No more of letting ourselves be last. No more of letting personal ambitions get in the way of doing the right thing and for the right reasons. No more division. No more egos. No more back office deals. No more "maybe next year". No more "I do this because I know whats good for you" .

I am still going to hold out hope - I have to believe.

Americans got tired of the out of touch and divisive politics of President Bush and realized that in order to have a change in philosophy we needed a change in leadership. Change comes from the bottom up.

Change is not always a dirty word. Transition is not always a dirty word. Ward 8 is evolving and we have to evolve with it.

That's my change I can believe in.