Never underestimate the power of orange.

And Now Anacostia and the River East Idealist both posted about last Thursday's River East Emerging Leaders (r.e.e.l.) kick off event.
The accolades are still pouring in! Many kudos to everyone on the Steering Committee who worked so very hard on this event. The Steering Committee worked tirelessly for months on the creation of r.e.e.l. and this first event. A lot of work went into this and it was wonderful to see the payoff.

The GREAT news is that this is only the beginning!

Click HERE for the And Now, Anacostia post.
Click HERE for the River East Idealist post.

Charles Wilson
Jamilah Fagbene
Jason Anderson
Joanne Acevedo
John Johnson
Kendra Dean
Kim Mortan
Kimberly McClure
Naomi Long
Nikki Peele
Regan Ford
Stephen Rice
Susan Kennedy
Toayoa Aldridge
Troy D. Prestwood
The next r.e.e.l. event is Wed, March 18th @ Honfleur Gallery.