Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

Great Streets
From Bellevue to Deanwood to Shepherd Park, neighborhoods in the District of Columbia want vibrant and distinct neighborhood centers filled with proud merchants, well-maintained shops in attractive buildings, excited patrons, and supportive residents. These neighborhoods and others are linked by a series of major corridors that have significant potential to be "great streets" - places where people want to be.

The Great Streets Initiative is a multi-year, multiple-agency effort to transform under-invested corridors into thriving and inviting neighborhood centers using public actions and tools as needed to leverage private investment. The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) is partnering with the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to manage the program. More than $100 million have been made available for transportation, streetscape, and transit improvements along these corridors.

In late January 2008, the District made available an additional $95 million in targeted Tax Increment Financing for neighborhood economic development projects along six priority corridors.

Through the Great Streets Initiative, the District is working with private and not-for-profit developers to develop key public and quasi-public owned parcels including the restoration of the historic Howard Theatre, which is located near Broadcast Center One -- the future headquarters for Radio One.

Find out how you can help build Great Streets in the District of Columbia by contacting:
Great Streets Initiative Project Manager Derrick Woody at (202) 727-2981 or

DDOT Project Manager Karina Ricks at (202) 671-2542 or
For more information about the Great Streets Initiative, please explore the following links:
Targeted Corridors
Transportation and Public Realm Plans
Land Use Planning
THINK Rhode Island Avenue Strategic Development Planning Process