IN REVIEW:ANC 8C Meeting - Wed, Dec 3rd

Congress Heights On The Rise attended last nights ANC 8C meeting.
(Unofficial) Meeting notes are included below. But first...

It seems the meeting time has been changed from the posted 7pm to perhaps 6:30pm. This is the third meeting CHOTR has attended where the meeting has been well underway at 7pm. If the meeting time has been changed it would be nice if that would be announced but considering that the meeting agendas and meeting minutes are considered privileged information that seems highly unlikely.

  • ANC 8C Commissioners Cuthbert, Shelton and Lockridge were in attendance

  • Per Commissioner Cuthbert this was not a "formal" meeting. There were was no agenda or motions introduced or passed.

  • It was learned that ANC 8C01 does indeed have a newly elected ANC Commissioner. William Ellis a write in candidate will be representing ANC 8C01 in the coming term. Commissioner Elect Ellis took this opportunity to introduce himself to the ANC. On the surface CHOTR was impressed by Mr. Ellis a young man (more good news) who seems to be well spoken and gracious.

  • In usual dramatics there was yelling, insults and accusations. Commissioner Shelton accused Commissioner Cuthbert of being a "control freak" and "rude and nasty to everyone". While it is true that Commissioner Shelton can be described at times as being "long winded", in his defense Commissioner Cuthbert was way less than cordial when repeatedly interrupting him and finally adjourning the meeting right in the middle of Commissioner Shelton while he was speaking -despite the fact that she took several opportunities to "preach" to the audience herself.

  • For once refreshments were served. Would be great if refreshments would be served at future meetings like most other ANCs. This may encourage more residents to attend the ANC meetings especially those that come directly from work to the meeting. No understanding with the surplus in the ANC budget why light refreshments are not regularly served.