Well so much for the Obama inspired goodwill. Mary Cuthbert still hates me with a passion. :(

Paper? Check!

Pencil? Check!

ANC-8C-Commissioner-Mary-Cuthbert-still-hates-my-guts-and-would-like-to-see-me-eaten-alive-by-a-pack-of-rabid dogs? Check!

Well all hope went right out of the window that with the Obama win there may be finally some chance at civility and goodwill at last nights ANC meeting. Seems like some things never change - she still hates me. :(

Allow me to set the stage...

Senior citizen (and ANC 8C resident) comes in to the ANC meeting a little after it has started (fyi - seems the meeting was scheduled early than 7pm with it's usual lack of notice). SCR (senior citizen resident) sees that everyone has meeting agendas (on green paper - take notes this is important for later) and Parks department handouts. Agendas and handouts are on the commissioners table at the front of the room. Lone Commissioner in attendance at the time (Mary Cuthbert) is sitting directly in front of me in the audience watching the DC United presentation. Table is vacant and there are two piles of the meeting agenda and the Parks Dept handout on the edge of the table.

SCR (to ME): Where can I get the agenda?

ME (on the aisle): They are on the table - don't worry I will get you one. *Walks to the table with the handouts (they are called handouts for a reason, right?)

Behind me runs (seriously runs) Mary Cuthbert. As I am holding the green sheeted agenda and the Parks Department handout (both given out to everyone at the meeting including late arrivals). SHE LITERALLY SNATCHES THE PAPER OUT OF MY HAND!!! I swear to goodness - out of my hand at the front of the meeting while DC United is giving a presentation - I kid you not. To the DC United speaker's credit she really did try to continue with her presentation but everyone was kind of taken aback.

MC: *yelling at me*: I CONTROL THE HANDOUTS! YOU CAN'T HAVE ONE!! (in hindsight I don't think MC realized I already been given the handouts - I think she thought I was getting them for myself)

ME: *Blown but totally surprised after all this is MC * Why can't she [SCR] have an agenda and the handout?"

MC: *louder* NO! I control the paperwork!

ME: *obviously blown and not at all afraid to make a scene* It's the meeting agenda! Why can't she have the agenda? She is right there. *points to SCR*

At this point I attempt to take another copy of the Parks Department handout which is on the table when MARY CUTHBERT AGAIN SNATCHES THE PAPER OUT OF MY HAND! (got to give it to the woman she is tenacious...and freakishly strong)

SCR: *calling from her seat to me*: Don't even worry about it.

After returning back to my seat and at the conclusion of the current presentation. SCR goes up to Mary at the table in hopes she is finally allowed to have a meeting agenda and Mary tells her "this is not an agenda it's something else" and refuses to give her one also!!!

SIDEBAR: Word of advice to MC. If you are going to take "creative license with the truth" about what is a meeting agenda then don't print ONLY the meeting agendas on green paper. It makes them kind of hard to miss - just a thought :)

Now back to the story...SCR once again asks Mary for the meeting agenda and Mary refuses to give it to her. Mary proceeds to complain to SCR about "people who look down their noses at other people". Not sure what bee got in her bonnet but if I was a betting man I would think it might (just might) have something to do with me helping (on election day) Elvira Patrick, the challenger to her ANC seat hang her campaign sign at our polling place or perhaps her comment was related to in her words "my crooked wig" (due to perhaps my aforementioned upturned nose? just a thought :) . In a grand gesture reminiscent of the Queen of England (who I suspect may look down her nose at common folk) Commissioner Cuthbert finally allows SCR to leave her esteemed presence with a Parks handout - but no meeting agenda (hey one out of 2 ain't bad).

Mary Cuthbert instilling community unity and progress - one handout at a time. :)

In all seriousness this is really a poor reflection of the dysfunctional state of some of our ANCs. It is a bad reflection on not only the ANC itself but the residents that attend these meetings and those government and private groups that visit and/or make presentations. How can you encourage people to work together when there is division and exclusion? It is contrary to the idea of a "community meeting". Despite all the ill will and the name calling my feelings have never been hurt (it must have been all that hard work to finally purchase a home here) so like Jay-Z said I just "brush my shoulders off" and keep truckin'.

I was reminded of an article posted in yesterday's Washington City Paper by Loose Lips about the saga of ANC 2C. Their struggle against a described "despot" of an ANC Commissioner and their subsequent (but long overdue) victory at the polls.

I am really going to continue to pray for Ms. Cuthbert. I pray that God softens her heart and opens her mind to those of us here in ANC 8C that want to see true progress in our neighborhoods. Who want to work side by side with our neighbors (including her) to realize our common dream - of having a great place to live. It might sound naive but there are a lot of people out here in the world (we just elected one as President) who want nothing more than to serve their community. No political objectives, no monetary inducements - just generally like to see everyone benefit from having a nice, safe and clean place to live. It's called "community" and it's not proprietary.

Perhaps it's due to this historic event were are witnessing but I am still hopelessly optimistic. If President Elect Obama can do it I am sure I (and anyone else) who has ever been discouraged from success can hang in there just a little longer. :)

-The Advocate
"Change is a comin' ..."
UPDATE: Finally had a chance to read this (click HERE) old cover story on Leroy Thorpe Jr. of ANC 2C by the City Paper. It is really sad how many stone cold similiarities down to the racial insults hurled by a commisioner, influx of new residents and impending economic development). FYI - Thorpe was just officially removed as Commissioner two years ago but hung on in a different role. Last nights election results will have him removed in the remaining capacity.