Click HERE for full article. FYI - Hart is in Congress Heights not Anacostia. Seems the WashPo seems to think that everything across the river is Anacostia.

Overhauling D.C. School Overcome by Violence
By Bill Turque
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, November 9, 2008; C01

D.C. Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee has dispatched a team of administrators and extra security to an Anacostia middle school where three teachers have been assaulted, a 14-year-old was charged with carrying a shotgun and students have run the hallways discharging fire extinguishers.
The intervention began Monday at Hart Middle School, where a dismal academic record -- 17 percent of its students read at proficiency level last year -- triggered a mandatory overhaul under the federal No Child Left Behind law.
Interviews with teachers, parents, students and police paint a picture of a troubled school that, far from hitting bottom with its placement on "restructuring" status, has fallen into an even deeper hole. It is overenrolled and understaffed and lacks the extra academic support promised by Rhee, teachers said.