This was forwarded by a very considerate CHOTR reader. Although the show is not in Ward 8 still more than happy to forward it along (perhaps we can get a gallery in Congress Heights one day). I LOVE Art and in particular have a fondness for black and white photography.

Andrew Zimmermann: Photographs A Photographic Exhibition

November 21, 2008
from 5:30 to 7:30

1455 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 400Washington, DC 20004
Nearest Metro Stops: Metro Center and McPherson Square

With his large format view cameras, Andrew Zimmermann uses a time honored process to create strikingly intimate and unique photographs of evocative images and forms from the natural world. All items will be for sale. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be served. Enter on F St. between 14th and 15th St. next to the Historic Willard Hotel

For more information
contact: Sara Stepahin at

Andrew has been making large format photographs for the past 10 years. Using a time-honored photographic process with large format view cameras, Andrew creates black and white silver gelatin prints that combine the virtues of the starkly literal and the rigorously abstract. Contact printed to the original size of the negatives and hand worked throughout the developing and printing process, his photographs are crisp, detailed, and intimate, fully maintaining the integrity of the negative. He focuses not on a particular subject, but instead investigates evocative forms and images that exist within the natural world, accentuating overlooked beauty and challenging the viewer's perception of reality.

We encourage people to come and to invite anyone they feel would be interested in this type of work. All the photographs at the event are for sale to the public and light refreshments will be served. If you have any questions or would like to RSVP, please email or call Sara at 202.701.7514.
You can see more pictures on Mr. Zimmermann's website at (click on the pictures to navigate). You should also visit Amico Artists' website at The event is also listed on facebook under "Andrew Zimmermann Photo Show". Amico Artists is a project of Campaign Digital, Inc., a new 501(c)(3) organization.