Washington Highlands Neighborhood Library Project

Was unable to attend this community meeting however if anyone did would love to hear about it! Can't wait to see what the new library will look like. Hopefully it will include more computer work stations and better equipped community rooms. Would also love to see a place where you can have a drink or a snack - something to encourage people to spend more time in the library.

Additional information on this project or other library projects can be found by clicking HERE.

Washington Highlands Neighborhood Library Hopes and Dreams Meeting
Thursday, September 18, 2008 6:30 pm
Washington Highlands Neighborhood Library
115 Atlantic Street, SW

The Library System recently completed a Cost/Benefit Analysis of the Washington Highlands Neighborhood Library, located at 115 Atlantic Street, SW. Based on that analysis, the Washington Highlands Library will be razed and replaced with a new, state-of-the-art building. The design phase of this project is scheduled to begin in summer 2008. Community input will be a key aspect of the design process. This project has not been fully funded; if funding is provided in FY 2009 budget, construction may begin in summer 2009 with a new library scheduled to open in early 2011.

An interim library will serve the neighborhood once the library is closed for reconstruction.