From WashPo: A Sign of Gratitude in Anacostia

Technically this is Anacostia news but it is such a positive story that it needed to be told. Click HERE to link to the full article on the Washington Post.


"A Sign of Gratitude in Anacostia
Section of Street Is Renamed to Honor Community Activist

By N.C. Aizenman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, September 28, 2008; Page C03

For more than 30 years until his death in 2000, Calvin Woodland devoted himself to the children of his struggling Anacostia neighborhood with missionary zeal, founding sports teams to keep them out of trouble, rustling up money for their families in times of crisis and welcoming the hardest cases into his own home.
Yesterday, District officials showed their appreciation by renaming the street where he lived: The 2500 block of Hartford Street SE will be known henceforth as Calvin B. Woodland Sr. Place."