PART 1: Meeting Recap: ANC 8A & Ward 8 Meet The Candidates Meeting - July 1st

Sorry for the delay in posting but I did want to share my observations (and opinions) of the Ward 8 Meet the Council Candidates Event on Tuesday night. Many thanks to ANC 8A who hosted the event and to the candidates who took the time to show up and introduce themselves to the community and answer some truly difficult (and at times extremely lengthy) questions.

Disclaimer: These are the observations of one well meaning but brutally honest Ward 8 resident. Names have not been changed to protect the innocent. :)

Arrived at the advertised 6:30pm "Meet The Candidates" Meeting promptly (hah) at 6:45pm which lucky for me the 6:30 candidates meeting turned out to be the 7pm ANC 8A meeting (which btw started promptly at 7:10pm). Killed two birds with one meeting stone :)

Before I get into my observations of the the candidates who did participate let me first address which candidates were a "no show".

  • Chanda McMahan

  • Howard Brown
  • Marion Barry -about halfway through the event an announcement was made that Councilman Barry was busy with "legislative business" *insert audience laughter*
CANDIDATES IN ATTENDANCE (and the order which they answered questions)

  • Charles E. Wilson

  • Ahmad Braxton-Jones

  • Yavocka Young

  • Darrell Gaston

  • Sandra "S.S." Seegars*
*Sandra "S.S." Seegars was 1/2 hour late (she explained that her neighbor had been robbed and she stayed to assist) but did arrive at 7:30pm to participate.

I was going to do a detailed recap of the event but after reviewing the 30 odd pages of my "chicken stratch" I decided to spare everyone and just give an overall recap of each candidate.


Candidates were presented with a list of questions from the ANC prior to the event. Questions were divided into different categories and candidates had two minutes (EXACTLY) to answer the question. Once all the candidates answered the questions the group proceeded to the next question.

Questions were read by Commissioner Anthony Muhammad, who alternated between "barking" the questions/orders at the candidates and reading them with the ease and enthusiasm reserved for reciting the ingredients on a bottle of insetcide. Public Speaking is definitely NOT his strong suit.

'At times the questions were hard to follow (both for the candidates and the audience), were extremely lengthy (at times with a part b, c and d) and were biased in nature. Will try my best to summarize the questions (and candidate answers) . If the normal ANC meeting is anything like those questions a voice recorder (and a stiff drink) are highly recommended.



Mr. Wilson was the first to arrive and if you could read a book by it's cover his book's title would be "Ready To Do Business". Wearing a grey pinstriped suit with a snowy white dress shirt and modern grey and black tie he looked professional without looking "fussy". He looked like all the things that is desperately needed in our new councilperson. Professional, polished, up to date and best of all - competent. His image reflects that of an educated, deeply concerned and genuine person. He appeared at ease with himself - without being cocky. Just a genuine citizen concerned enough about his community to take a stand. It is easy to imagine him representing Ward 8 (or the entire city for that matter). Perfect example of what could be in Ward 8.

His opening comments described his work with the Historic Anacostia Block Association ( which he founded and his "We Set The Tone" campaign and what it personally meant to him and what it should mean to all of us. "We Set The Tone" begins with quality of life issues. I took notice the ease in which he used "we" in his answers - there was little "I" and "me" in his answers other than when he gave direct answers to things he has done and will do if elected.

Mr. Wilson spoke of the many talents and resources that we already have in Ward 8 and how many people are already "setting the tone" for excellence. He mentioned two residents by name who make a difference in their community including a resident who organizes a block clean up every month. It was a great point because it showed his familiarity with the community.