Meeting Recording: ANC 8C July 9th 2008 - Part 1

Finally got them to post! Thanks for the suggestion to convert them from wav files to mp3s.

I broke up the recording into different pieces for easy listening and access. Will be posting two more blogs with the rest of the recordings. This was my first ANC 8C meeting and while it was good opportunity to learn some great things about my ward and meet fellow concerned residents it was a bit of a disappointment to see how some city employees and elected officials conduct themselves. If you are wondering who is that person telling people to "shut up" and "she wasn't talking to you" it was none other than Isha Foster Lee the Ward 8 representative for the Mayor's Office of Constituent Services.

Part 1 of 6 . To listen to Part 1 click HERE

Part 2 of 6: To listen to Part 2 click HERE

Part 3 of 6: To listen to Part 3 click HERE