Meeting Preview: ANC 8C Meeting July 9th
I have been to and conducted A LOT of meetings and I have never seen anything like this. This is one of those meetings that add to the school of thought of a few (I am still on the fence) that the ANCs need to be disbanded. Fortunately , I made a point to record the entire meeting for those that were not able to attend and it picked up some interesting community and non community information.
It is a long meeting (about 3 hours) so will have to splice it and post it separately (still learning how to do that so bear with me). Will try my best to post the audio of the entire meeting later today
The meeting was full of agenda items and even more full of drama.
Because everyone always wants to know about the drama. A few highlights
- Spirited debate between a Lockridge and the ANC Board regarding a vote on a development property. This lasted about 15 minutes.
- Isha Foster Lee, the Ward 8 representative of the Mayor's Office Of Constituent Services is heard telling constituents to "shut up" and "no one is talking to you". Not exactly what you would expect from someone working in the Mayor's Office of Constituent Services. For full disclosure at least one "shut up" was directed at me - I was even lucky enough (not!) to get an eye roll. Makes you wonder what is the criteria for working in the Mayor's Office and before you ask, yes this is the same Isha Foster Lee that had the run in with the police officer in 7D last year.
- Commissioner Mary Cuthbert calling me a liar several times to my face and in response to another question regarding community issues. Amongst her many grievances about me" I don't like you cause I don't like what you did to my little girl (Isha) putting your hand up (I suppose referencing my response to Isha Foster Lee after she told me to "shut up") . Regarding our first meeting (see prior post) "you looked down your nose at and your crooked wig" ( I swear to God she said this - while wearing a wig).
I swear if this wasn't real life with real consequences it would almost be funny. Unfortunately it's just really sad and really disappointing. Makes you wonder.
Will post the entire meeting (including insults) tomorrow. :)