Meeting Notes: ANC 8D Meeting - June 26, 2008 7pm @ Hadley Memorial Hospital

This meeting took place on June 26 @ 7pm (sorry for the out of order posts) at Hadley Memorial Hospital.

This was my first visit to the ANC 8D Meeting but it was easy to see how active and involved they were. The meeting was held in the cafeteria and refreshments were served. Due to a scheduling conflict (Councilman Barry called an emergency meeting of the ANCs) , 4 members of the board were unable to attend so there wasn't enough members for a quorum but it was still a productive meeting. There were two guest speakers and several members of the community addressed concerns (mostly about speeders, the desire to have the speed bumps that were requested installed and for a crosswalk installed on a busy street). The ANC Commissioners that were present were concerned and promised follow up.

Guest Speakers

  • DDOT - Liz Tylander who spoke about the Urban Forestry Administration within DDOT (District Department of Transportation). She explained how DDOT was responsible for the trees on the city owned public spaces like next to the sidewalk. She also discussed DDOT services such as street tree planting, street tree removal, street tree pruning, storm events/emergency inspections and Elm tree services.

Ms. Tylander also discussed The District's Tree Watering Campaign a ppilot project to identify DC residents and communities that want to care and water their new neighborhood street trees. This spring UFA and Casey Trees will distribute 2,000 watering bas or "ooze tubes" to residents through out the District.

Adopt a tree and get a free "Ooze Tube" tree watering bag to fill every week or two from June to October.

To obtain a FREE "ooze tube" and more information on how to care for your newly planted street trees, please contact:

Liz Tylander - UFA's Community Outreach Coordinator

(202) 671-5132

For additional information you can also visit

  • A representative from Novo Properties (sorry didn't catch his name) was there at the request of an 8D Commissioner to discuss a rental property (possibly concerns) in the area.

Again, highly recommend this meeting. It was a nice sized turn out and one of the best things about the meeting was seeing how encouraging the ANC board was with it's community members. On more than one occasion ANC Chair Theresa Jones encouraged the community members to voice any of their concerns to the ANC 8D Commissioners and to follow be vigilant and persistent. It was easy to see how committed the ANC commission and the community members were to the safety and well being of their community.

For more information contact: Theresa Jones/Chair at 202.561.7318

ANC 8D Board MemberS

Theresa Jones/Chair/8D07

M Jay Lee/Vice-Chair/8D05

Ab Jordan/Treasurer/8D03

Patricia Carmon/Secretary/8D01

O.V. Johnson/8D02

Maria Powell/8D06

Ben Howard/8D04