In the beginning...

Wow. First post. Sooooo much pressure. I decided that my first post should be about what I love about my new neighborhood. It's not perfect but it is definetly special and has the "good bones" my mom is always talking about. It is something new yet familar about the whole place.

Things that I just LOVE about my neighborhood and Congress Heights in general:

  1. Since I am finally a homeowner (still pretty psyched about that) the realization that I can commit to my neighborhood. That after 15 years living in the metro area I can say "I live in DC" and really mean it.
  2. The neighbors. So many wonderful stories here - old and new. There is so much to learn just by walking around the corner.
  3. The BEAUTIFUL houses full of so much character and elegance. It's easy to imagine the families that lived (and in many cases still live) .
  4. The green spaces, the trees and the woods all in such close proximity. It;s like living in the suburbs but with the culture and convience of the city.
  5. The location. Close enough to 295 for a quick trip downtown but not so close that you hear the traffic. Nice to know that MD and Virginia is just a quick trip away.
  6. Deer! Saw my first deer on my very street the week after I closed. How cool is that?
  7. Giant. Although I am not in love with the parking lot set up the fact that I can pick up dinner in 2 minutes is pretty cool.
  8. IHOP - it's not open yet but my mouth is already watering with the thoughts of buttermilk pancakes...hmmm pancakes.
  9. The history. Congress Heights has so much history and I look forward to learning more
  10. The potential