🌟 Open Positions at A Wider Circle's Ward 8 Hub [SP]

Join our team! Use your talent and skills to help end poverty.
A Wider Circle's Ward 8 Hub is located at 400-A Atlantic Street SE.

Current openings:

Director, Ward 8 Hub
The Director will oversee A Wider Circle’s services and facility in Ward 8. The Director will have program management and operational oversight for the building and all programming taking place within. The Director will liaise closely with other A Wider Circle program directors, especially as their specialty services are offered in the Ward 8 site. The Director will ensure that data, research, and evaluation are core parts of daily priorities, programs are meeting stated goals and objectives, and that the facility serves as a welcoming center through the use of space, materials, vendors, and imagery. The Director will develop policies for the space and its use, approve partnership arrangements, and approve interns/volunteers/other support for program execution.

Program Manager, Community Engagement
The Program Manager, Community Engagement, will oversee A Wider Circle’s efforts in outreach and partnership building in Ward 8 and specifically related to our Washington Highlands location. The Manager will identify partners, undertake a vetting and collaboration mapping process, develop MOU criteria, liaise across the organization to identify specific linkages, and seek to broaden the types of services and programs we can offer directly and indirectly. The Manager will also manage efforts to reach individuals and families to encourage attendance and participation in our programs at this location. The Manager will track all partnership and outreach efforts, identify effective strategies, and use data for decision-making in addition to compliance reporting. The position requires a four-day workweek and Saturdays.

Senior Family Engagement Specialist
The Senior Family Engagement Specialist will support the implementation of activities related to the five protective factors for family success (parental resilience, social connections, knowledge of parenting and child development, concrete support in times of need, and social and emotional competence of children). This position includes working with families both directly and in coordination with partners. The position requires a four-day workweek and Saturdays.

To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to jobs@awidercircle.org