😻 ADOPT ME! Picasso, 11


Hello! My name is Picasso and I am looking for my new best friend(s)! Contrary to my name, I am not much of an artist, unless my purring counts as being a musical artist! I love cuddling, sitting on laps, being held, and head-bunting hands. My humans always tell me how gentle and sweet I am - I just like being around my humans and their friends so much! If you are interested in adopting me, please reach out to my humans at KLaFosters@gmail.com and feel free to follow me on Instagram @kla_fosters! As an added bonus, if you're over 50, my adoption fee is waived as part of the Boomer's Buddies program! Standard adoption procedures apply.

New York Avenue Adoption Center

Oglethorpe Street Adoption Center

(202) 723-5730