Congress Heights on the Rise

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COVID-19 rates are increasing, again

The following is from MedStar Health

While the COVID-19 pandemic may feel like it's in the rearview mirror, the coronavirus is still evolving into new strains. The newest variant classified as EG.5 - nicknamed ‘Eris’ - is on the rise. Eris’ symptoms are similar to past variants and include a cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Positivity rates doubled in July, according to Amanda Joy, PA-C, senior director of advanced practice with MedStar Health Urgent Care, and she reports that outbreaks are expected throughout the year.

Take a few moments to review the following tips to prevent a COVID-19 infection, especially as a new school year begins and upcoming cooler weather means spending more time indoors:

Get boosted. An updated COVID-19 booster shot is expected to be available in the fall, which will target current variants.

Practice good hygiene. By now, everyone knows the proper way to wash their hands but it’s easy to be hasty. Take frequent breaks to gently but thoroughly scrub your palms, fingers, nails, and wrists for 20 seconds. If you use hand sanitizer, choose one with at least 60 percent alcohol.

Decontaminate surfaces. Wipe down hard surfaces in your home and office using a disinfectant wipe. Focus on everything that is frequently touched such as doorknobs, remote controls, and light switches.

Wear a mask if needed. Wearing a quality face mask that blocks the COVID-19 virus remains an effective way to protect yourself from the virus. Masks with an N95 or KN95 rating keep individuals— especially those who are immunocompromised—safe and healthy.

Get tested. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, which include fever, runny nose, and sore throat, take an at-home test, or visit MedStar Health Urgent Care or your MedStar Health primary care provider. Knowing what is causing you to feel bad will help keep your loved ones healthy.