🌟THANKSGIVING SUPERSIZED! More Turkey Giveaways, Free Meals and Volunteer Opportunities

Yesterday, Congress Heights on the Rise shared five Thanksgiving giveaways and events, and today we are back with more!

Do you, your family, friends, or neighbors need assistance with your Thanksgiving plans this year?

The good news is there are a lot of local opportunities to receive a free turkey, meal kits, and even a community sitdown dinner in Ward 8. Today's CHoTR includes TEN posts guaranteed to make anyone's Thanksgiving holiday a bit brighter! There is even a volunteer opportunity in Ward 7 to prepare meals for DC's homeless. 

I hope that readers find this information helpful. Please connect individuals and families you know to need these resources. In addition, if you are looking for some great volunteer opportunities this Thanksgiving season, DCist has a list of local nonprofits that could use another pair of helpful hands.

And on that note, I wish you the best this holiday season!

Your blogger buddy,

The Advoc8te