Congress Heights on the Rise

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Yesterday I found a squirrel giving birth on a DC street and it was everything


If you were following my Twitter feed yesterday you probably already know. the story of the Squirrel mommy and her babies, DCist is going to publish a story later today with all the details. I will be sure to link to it once it comes out. That said, I did have a few thoughts I wanted to share.

This story has a happy ending and while emotional (and frankly a little terrifying), it strengthened my faith in the humanity of District residents and showed me again the importance of great organizations like the Humane Rescue Alliance who came to the rescue ASAP when called. I know a lot of people were just as invested in the squirrel family’s survival from Councilmember Mary Cheh who gave me some advice, to my darling friends and Tweeps who gave me advice, contacted Humane Rescue Alliance and 311 and later made a donation to the Humane Rescue Alliance so they can continue their good work. I’ve made a donation yesterday myself and I would encourage others to do the same. I know there is a lot of need right now in the District and in the world for some good news, some humanity and some kindness. I found myself a little overwhelmed during and after my encounter. What started as fear watching a mother in distress, trying to care for her babies in a tough situation turned into a testament to the kindness of people. There were kind people who joined me on the street, on social media, and in the offices at the Humane Rescue Alliance. I thank you all and encourage all of us to stop and give aid when we see a need. For DC residents, great or small, human or otherwise deserve a place here and for that I am thankful.

Advoc8te’s Note: The squirrels were fine when rescued, that noise you hear at the .14 mark is yours truly crying. 😂