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WMATA announces 125 Confirmed cases, 1 In hospital and 72 Returned to work

Photo courtesy of WMATA

Metro continues to actively respond to the Covid-19 public health emergency, taking all appropriate measures to protect the health and safety of our frontline colleagues, our customers, and the community at large. Beginning with the first reported Covid-19 case involving a Metro employee on March 16, Metro has worked to be as transparent as possible, providing specific details on each case as permitted by health privacy law and our own obligations to employee confidentiality. 

Following the 100th reported Covid-19 case, Metro has streamlined its public reporting to a provide a continually updated snapshot of case numbers. Metro's commitment to fully and appropriately responding to each case -- including sanitizing and disinfecting workspaces, contact tracing and quarantine -- has not changed. 

View details of the first 100 Metro employee cases