Congress Heights on the Rise

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WANTED | Civil Rights Paralegal - $40K to $55k

The Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs works to create legal, economic, and social equity through litigation, client and public education, and public policy advocacy with a primary focus on racial justice. For the last 50 years, the Committee has been on the cutting edge of civil rights advocacy in the region bringing precedent-setting litigation to address discrimination. Our work focuses on injustices in housing, employment, the criminal legal system, education, public accommodations, and immigration. We partner with individuals and communities facing discrimination and with the legal community to achieve justice. 

General Job Description 

 The paralegal will be part of a team of paralegals who support the Committee’s civil rights and racial justice advocacy. Under the supervision of Committee lawyers or senior staff, as appropriate, the paralegal will conduct client intake and will provide administrative and other support to litigation teams and the Committee’s other activities.