Congress Heights on the Rise

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Up to $2,500 reward for tips leading to illegal guns

Give a Tip. Get Paid.

Your tip is completely anonymous — and you will be eligible for a reward of up to $2,500. Call (202) 727-9099 if you know someone who has a gun or you know where illegal guns are being hidden in your community. You’ll be doing the right thing and helping to take another gun off the street.

How It Works

Providing a gun tip anonymously is easy and safe. The tipline is open 24 hours a day. Note the following guidelines:

  • Calls to the anonymous Firearm Tip Line will be checked for veracity prior to rewards being paid.

  • Callers do not need to identify themselves to be eligible to receive a reward.

  • The process is absolutely anonymous -- calls cannot be traced to identify the source of the call.

  • Rewards are paid for tips that result in a firearm recovery and/or arrest. Reward amount varies depending on the number and type of firearm(s) recovered and whether any arrests are made as a result of the tip, not to exceed $2,500.

  • Tips are assigned a unique AMS Tip Number. To receive payment, callers must retain this number. After seven days, callers may contact the Public Information Office at (202) 727-4383 to check on the status of the tip. If the tip has been deemed reliable, PIO staff will provide additional instructions.

  • Payment will be made through a single-use debit card through the DC Office of Finance and Treasury. Instructions on how to obtain the debit card will be provided at the time a tip is verified and payment is approved.

  • No identification necessary.


For specific questions about this program, please contact the Command Information Center at (202) 727-9099.